16 August 2010

Spiritual Guidance from Mustafa


“So many people are afraid of what is going to happen to them when they die; the reason being is that they do not really know.  It is only what they think might happen.

“In the Western World due to vast ignorance of people these days, it is no wonder that so many people fear death.

“The church is largely responsible for this as they breed fear into their congregation, “If you do wrong you will suffer pain and damnation.  Give us your money and we will secure your salvation into the Heavenly Kingdom.”

“The medical profession and some of the scientific world are also ignorant of the afterlife, so where is a person to go to truly find out what will happen to them?

“No one wants to talk about it.  It is a taboo subject so with ignorance all manner of fears and uncertainties arise.  The most fear to the individual arises when they have not done things right in their lives.  They have been either negligent to themselves or to others within their lifetime.

“They have not sought the right information, which is out there to relieve their suffering.  Every one of us must take it upon themselves to seek out the facts of dying and to make amends for the consequences of their actions before that day occurs.

“There is enough scientific literature out there for individuals to read, where proof beyond doubt of the afterlife exists the extensive proof having been obtained over centuries and is ongoing, especially where science has improved its vital research.

“Of course, are always those scientists who have a closed mind, but with the amount of scientific data that has been collected and where the proof is verified to such a considerable degree, one can no longer dispute centuries of evidence and facts which are known.

“The individual, when he or she chooses, can obtain this information, which is available to the public when they are ready to accept the facts.

“In the Eastern parts of the World the subject of dying is commonplace.  It is freely and openly discussed.  Families talk about it without fear of ridicule.

“They know where their ancestors went, where Granny and Granddad have gone, because they are still in communication with the souls of these people at regular intervals.

“So to speak about the dead is like speaking about a member of their family, as if they had just gone away on a journey and that they will meet up with them at a later date.

“There is no fear.  There is just the understanding that if a person has conducted their lives in a good and worthwhile manner, having been loving towards their family and their neighbours, they will meet up again and that relationship will continue into the next life.

“How we, as individuals, conduct ourselves on this Earth during our earthly life will depend on where we will be going in the next dimension, which is called the Spirit World.

“The reason for giving this title is because we will all be in a spirit form.  All of us have a physical earthly body and in it is housed our etheric or spiritual body.

“At the point of clinical brain death, the spirit form, which is us, is released and passes into the next dimension, which is the Spirit World where we can see each other and communication is possible.

“For most of us this dimension consists of love, warmth and security where peace of mind on every level is obtained and for those whose minds have been disturbed during their earthly existence much healing and love is given, so that they will be able to make that full recovery over time.

“It must also be said, that those who have not conducted their lives in an orderly manner, be it through selfishness, greed or extreme malice, they too will find themselves in that dimension which is called the Spirit World, but in the sections designed for those who were greedy, selfish, robbers, murderers and etc.

“They will find that they are with their own kind until that time occurs that they can show genuine remorse and, with spiritual help, they can be brought out of it and the finally transferred to that section where love, peace and harmony remain for all time.

“So it is very much of how you conduct your lives on this Earth that will secure your place in the next dimension.  Communication from deceased spirit people is commonplace throughout the world.

“It is only in the Western World that we are so closed in our minds to communicate with our loved ones.  For those people who are not afraid, who are not closed and where there is true love in their hearts and an understanding of the After Life, their deceased relatives will be in communication.

“They will be able to advise us as to how we should conduct our lives.  They will be able to say what it is like in the next dimension and where fear can be totally removed.

“This really is commonplace to so many, but it is really up to the individual to find out.  A closed mind, where death is concerned, can be a nightmare to so many.

“They are great in that fear.  They, and no one, can reach them until they are prepared to open up and talk about it with those who know.  It is never too late to learn and it is never too late to put matters right before it is our time to pass.

“The one thing that is certain is we will all die.  Are you ready to go to the next dimension without fear?

“Remember, one does not need to be old to pass.  Many young people pass daily and they should be informed as their right to know.

“We talk to our children about the facts of life.  We also owe it to them to talk about the facts of dying, so that they can have peace of mind.

“So many young people are killed these days.  Such is the violence in our streets.  School children are left in shock as to the loss of their best friends.

“We owe it to these young people to give them peace with the assured understanding of where their friends have gone, so that they can recover and healing to their minds is swiftly given.

“To find out the facts is everybody’s responsibility.  Act now before it is too late.

“God bless, Mustafa.”

If you are interested in more information, then contact Jenny and Michael Ayers on 44+ (0)1825-830-079 or see Contact Us

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